SLAS 2022 Step 1 of 3 33% Company / Institution*DepartmentContact Person*PositionStreet AddressCityState / ProvincePostal CodeCountryTelephone*Email* Do you use any micro volume spectrophotometer in your lab?* YES NO Which one? Nanodrop ND1000 Nanodrop ND2000 Nanodrop One Nanodrop One C Nanodrop 8000 Other Please DescribeAre you planning to use / to replace a micro volume spectrophotometer in the near future?* YES NO When?Have you heard about IMPLEN before?* YES I’m using a NanoPhotometer® NO Are you interested to test the new Implen NanoPhotometer® in your Lab?* YES NO Which publications do you read/subscribe to obtain information about new technologies? Nature Methods Nature ResearchGate GenomeWeb Biocompare or Labcompare SelectScience Laboratory News LabX Media Group (LabManager, etc.) Gen (Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News) Other publications PublicationWhich social media channels are you using to obtain new information about new technologies? LinkedIn YouTube Twitter Facebook Instagram TikTok Which conferences are you planning to attend in 2022? Analytica, Munich, Germany AACR (Cancer Research), New Orleans, LA Immunology, Portland, OR ASM Microbe, Washington, DC ASHG (Human Genetics), Los Angeles, CA ASCB (Cell Biology), Washington DC Other ConferenceNotes / CommentsConsent* I consent to having Implen store my information