Spectrophotometer Check System: UV/Vis SpectrophotometerModel*Serial Number:*Location: Institution*LaboratoryPerson in Charge*Email* Address*City*State*Country*Test description potassium hydrogen phthalat solution: As validation tool a potassium hydrogen phthalat solution (PHP) is used. This solution is calibrated and checked against a certified UV/Vis spectrophotometer.Test Parameter @A280PHP Lot Number*Absorbance @280 nm (10 mm path)*Water*Measured Absorbances @A280Certified Expected Absorbances:*Abs #1*Abs #2*Abs #3*Abs #4*Abs #5*Abs meanDeviation, %Standard DeviationCommentsHow many days in a week* this Spam Captcha is powered by Gravity Captcha. Signing Person's Name*Type your name to represent your signatureDecember 3, 2024